Tatja Grimm's World
(On Topic: | A Time For Murder | A Way Back | A Woman To Be Loved | Adaptable Man | American Nomad | Amnesiascope | Among Arabian Sands | An Impossible Woman | Arc D X | Avengers TV Tie-ins | Baltic Emerald | Bimbos Of The Death Sun | Chance Awakening | Color Of Money | Dancing For Joy | Days Between Stations | Dead Ernest | Die Rich Die Happy | Dying Day | Evil Ones | Fall Of Chronopolis | Far From Home | Far Stars And Future Times Novels | Fiesta For Murder | Goodbye Darling | Gravy Train | Here Is A Villain | Hustler | Ilion Like A Mist | Indian Summer | Innocent Bystanders | James Bond Novels | KGB Kill | Leading Lady | Leap Year | Man Who Fell To Earth | Man Who Sold Death | Mockingbird | Money That Money Cant Buy | Novelizations | Our Ecstatic Days | Power | Private Tightrope | Queens Gambit | Rubicon Beach | Sea Came In At Midnight | So Far From Home | Soldier In The Snow | Sometimes You Could Die | Steady Boys Steady | Steps Of The Sun | Summer In Retreat | Tatja Grimms World | Television Crimebusters Omnibus | These Dreams Of You | Tours Of The Black Clock | Winners | Witling | X-Ray | Zeroville | Index )
By Vernor Vinge
Pan Books
Vinge creates in this book one of the most intriguing images that I have come across in science fiction. A huge barge houses a complete publishing establishment for the science fiction magazine Fantasie. From the production of paper to editing and printing, all activities apart from writing are carried out on board. The barge plies the trade routes, buying stories then printing and selling the latest edition as they go. A young homeless girl who speaks only a primitive language is brought on to the barge. She possess a strange intensity that suggests more than appearances reveal. In the three short stories collected in this edition, Vinge shows the development of Tatjaa Grimm from this dirt covered foundling into the charismatic and calculating ruler of the province of Ocean.
As individual short stories, the works show three stages in Tatja's life, from the first signs of her strong character, through her plotting to acquire the crown and on to her search to explore her true identity. The reader is in the same position as those around her, aware that she is a strong figure but unsure if she is acting for the good of others or merely to achieve some unknown goal of her own. She uses people like tools, manipulating them with her strong charisma and intimidating intellect.
The first two episodes move at a quick pace as Tatja takes control first of the Fantasie and then uses the magazine's personnel to aid her in obtaining the crown. In the final episode, Tatja's position is threatened by the appearance of a leader with characteristics similar to her own. He has quickly gained political power and is using his technological knowledge to wage war on Tatja's province. Conflict between removing opposition and gaining more information about her origins places both Tatja and her province in physical and political danger.
Vinge's writing is enjoyable and intelligent. The characters are very well-developed and the plots of the three episodes are handled well, although the time that elapses between episodes and the disappearance of major characters in these intervals does draw attention to the fact that the three stories were written over a period of 18 years.
This book, while slightly disjointed, is a compelling work with the last two paragraphs presenting a memorable portrayal of a man consumed with anger. Vinge shows some skill in these examples of short stories/ novelettes.