Dying Day
(On Topic: | A Time For Murder | A Way Back | A Woman To Be Loved | Adaptable Man | American Nomad | Amnesiascope | Among Arabian Sands | An Impossible Woman | Arc D X | Avengers TV Tie-ins | Baltic Emerald | Bimbos Of The Death Sun | Chance Awakening | Color Of Money | Dancing For Joy | Days Between Stations | Dead Ernest | Die Rich Die Happy | Dying Day | Evil Ones | Fall Of Chronopolis | Far From Home | Far Stars And Future Times Novels | Fiesta For Murder | Goodbye Darling | Gravy Train | Here Is A Villain | Hustler | Ilion Like A Mist | Indian Summer | Innocent Bystanders | James Bond Novels | KGB Kill | Leading Lady | Leap Year | Man Who Fell To Earth | Man Who Sold Death | Mockingbird | Money That Money Cant Buy | Novelizations | Our Ecstatic Days | Power | Private Tightrope | Queens Gambit | Rubicon Beach | Sea Came In At Midnight | So Far From Home | Soldier In The Snow | Sometimes You Could Die | Steady Boys Steady | Steps Of The Sun | Summer In Retreat | Tatja Grimms World | Television Crimebusters Omnibus | These Dreams Of You | Tours Of The Black Clock | Winners | Witling | X-Ray | Zeroville | Index )
Hamish Hamilton edition: 1988, Great Britain |
Penguin Books 1988 |
Ostara, 2015 |
Magna: 2017 |
By James Mitchell.
London private eye Ron Hogget finds things for people, though the finding sometimes involves fearful activities. Ron is often fearful - he's that sort of person - but he usually gets the job done. And he has Dave Baxter, a friend and minder who drives a mini-cab, reads philosophy, who knows everything about guns and self-defence and nothing about fear. In Dying Day, Hogget is hired to find nothing smaller than an airplane, and one that's been missing for thirty years. It is ex-RAF officer Tony Palliser, filthy rich from a business that began with airplanes - Dakotas - participating in the Berlin airlift in 1948, who calls on Hogget's services. But why, after all these years? Palliser's reasons are thin, but his money is good so Ron takes on the job only to find he's not alone on the hunt and that the real reason behind finding the aircraft must be quite impressive for all the deaths being arranged on its behalf. Including, very likely, his own